Blog post #8

    The Harvard Radcliffe Quadrangle was originally built as the dorms for any female who attended Harvard College. Antrhop house (now considered Adam's house) was the original housing that was built on the Harvard College campus, but only housed males. Later in 1901, the Radcliffe Quadrangle was  created as housing for female students and continued to be built until 1937. The quad has ever since been changing and being remodeled. The quad now houses both males and females and is no longer used to separate females from males. The quad is an amazing historical group of buildings at Harvard College and is a great representation of how Harvard has changed with societies norms over the years. For example, you can see how equal rights for females has progressed over the years. Transportation from the quad has also made it a lot easier for students to attend classes such as the invention of motorized scooters and electric bikes. Overall, I believe that the Harvard Radcliffe Quadrangle should be considered a historical landmark due to its representation of the women, not only the first women to attend Harvard, but every female who attended college when males and females were separated by buildings.

The Harvard Crimson

Radcliffe Quadrangle

The Houses | Harvard College Dean of Students Office
