Blog post week #2

I decided to do my blog post on Anne Hutchinson who lived from July 20th 1591 in England until September of 1643. Anne Hutchinson was married to William Hutchinson (a merchant) who she later moved to the Massachusetts bay area with. She began to organize meetings where she preached her beliefs about the Massachusetts Puritans teaching and salvation. Puritanism in the 16th and 17th century was the believed that the reformation of the church under the control of Queen Elizabeth I needed to be purified by simplifying and regulating the different forms of worship and Hutchinson had different beliefs and means of reaching God. Ministers and magistrates began to attend her meetings as her theological views began to spread. The same beliefs that later got her banished from the Massachusetts bay area. This is the reason that she left Boston. After her banishment, she moved to Rhode Island where her husband ended up passing away and then later settled in New York where Indians killed her and all of her followers.  Governor Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts forgave Anne in 1987. 

Other sources used:

Anne Hutchinson
