Blog Post #1

 When first looking at the Massachusetts state flag the first thing that stuck out to me was the man holding a bow an arrow. When reading about the history of the Massachusetts tribal life it mentioned how the men were responsible for fighting, fishing, hunting, mining, and whaling. The bow an arrow in the mans hand could represent the main source of food for the tribe which was crucial for the tribes survival. However, this differs from Massachusetts themselves because it's tribal life was a matriarchal one, meaning that the women were the head of the tribe so I would assume they would be represented instead of the men. If I could memorialize the first occupants of Cambridge I would do so by having a statue of William Apess because he played a major role in the in the fight or urge of the New England Indian groups to seek the right to self-govern. I chose this because this idea is what later lead to the state of Massachusetts and having its own government. 

Massachusetts state flag
